Burning Conversations
Image credit: Nathan Straker
From Oscar-winning Australian director Eva Orner (Chasing Asylum), Burning takes an unflinching look at the 2019-2020 Black Summer bushfires - delving into the subsequent inaction of the government and how we ensure this never happens again.
The screening of Burning in our 2022 program, was followed by a pre-recorded Q&A with Director Eva Orner, and live discourse with passionate advocates and leaders: Anjali Sharma, Ewan Waller AFSM, Dr Portia Odell, moderated by HRAFF Festival Director Sophie Parr, where they shared their motivations for standing up for change.
The inspiring discussion referenced political and social perspectives, but more importantly, it highlighted their individual lived experiences with climate destruction, and offered an insight into how we can all assist in the work that is happening locally, and globally.
Be part of the change by taking the following steps toward climate action:
Take Action with the Climate Council
Attend one of the many School Strike 4 Climate events and pledge change
Encourage your council to join Cities Power Partnership
Pre-recorded Q&A with Director Eva Orner and Festival Director Sophie Parr
Ewan Waller AFSM
Dip.For (Cres 1974) B.For.Sci (Melb 1977) M.Sci (Aberdeen 1991)
I grew up on a farm in East Gippsland studied forestry and subsequently worked as a forester across the Victorian State Forests. I later managed crown land and coasts across Gippsland and was CEO of Gippsland Ports. I studied sustainable development, rural and regional planning at Aberdeen University in Scotland before returning as Gippsland Regional Manager for VicForests.
In 2005, I was appointed as the Chief Fire Officer responsible for fire management across all of the forested public land (a third of Victoria by area). The state experienced some of its most severe fire years during this time including the Grampians, Great Divide and Black Saturday fires. I set up and led the development of the increased preventative burning program and the enhanced community engagement program. During this time, I chaired COAG’s Forest Fire Management Group and was Board Director for the Bushfire CRC and Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Authorities (AFAC).
After finishing full time work, I chaired the ministers Alpine Advisory Committee. I now chair the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority Board, as well as a director on the Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation Board and a member on the Gippsland Lakes Coordinating Committee. I also consult in land, forest and fire management and farm near Bairnsdale.
Dr Portia Odell
Portia Odell is Director of the Cities Power Partnership where she leads the delivery of the program’s strategy and impact. She holds a PhD from Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute and has a history working with communities, startups and governments helping them accelerate their climate projects. She is passionate about advancing the critical work of local governments taking meaningful action on climate change and is interested in the intersection between research, innovation and policy.
Sophie Parr (moderator)
Festival Director - Human Rights Arts and Film Festival.
Sophie is a lawyer and producer with a career that spans a number of industries, including NGO, film production, legal, small business, music and start-ups. Holding a first-class honours degree in International Politics & Sociology and a postgraduate Juris Doctor from the University of Melbourne, she has previously worked with Amnesty International UK, UN Human Rights, RedR Australia, Refugee Advice and Casework Service, and disability start-up Psykinetic. As Festival Director of HRAFF, Sophie is passionate about the role of film and the arts in presenting social justice and environmental issues to a broad audience and inspiring individuals to contribute towards positive change.
Missed Burning? No worries, Burning is now available to watch exclusively on Amazon Prime Video.